My Post-Graduate Plans

What are my plans after graduating from the University of Southern California with a PR degree? We will be discussing my full-time job at Google, moving states and apartment well as if I will keep making YouTube videos!

Hey guys, it's Joi here, and today we are talking about my postgraduate plans. I'm class of 2020 baby, and it's time to move on to a new chapter of life. That means that there's going to be many different things on my YouTube channel, a lot of things, other things happen to my life. And because we're all inside, like, that's changing many things that I thought I would be doing after I graduated.


So everything in this video is what, at this moment right now, is what I think is going to happen. But if anything changes, of course, I can do more updates videos, which I'm sure will come. Because after graduation, like, I feel like I'm just going through a huge transition, I'm going to be like a full-blown adult working full time. Just, yeah, it's a lot. Let's get into what my postgraduate plans are. Make sure you're subscribed to this channel if you want to follow my after graduation journey. I'm planning on doing a ton of videos for you guys. But let me know if there's anything you want to see as I move on to my new chapter. And let's get into my post-grad plans.

Original Plans

So, according to my original schedule, I was having a graduation ceremony on May 15. But that has been postponed; at least USC did not cancel our graduation. It's being delayed into the fall or next spring. So I will not be having a graduation ceremony, which means Yeah, I'm done with college. So I right now I'm at my family home on the east coast. And I plan to stay here until I start working.


So I have a full-time job at Google that I secured the fall semester of my senior year. And I'll be working in marketing. And I will be working in the San Francisco Bay Area. So that means I have to move, but I don't start working until September. So between now and September, there's a lot that I have to figure out and also have to plan. So first is the possibility of a summer internship. So I'm thinking about doing an at-home internship just to you know, add more money to my savings also keep me occupied. Now that I don't have classes, like what am I going to do with all this free time? I do stuff at home like I do YouTube, I help my parents out with their small business, and like other stuff like that, but I'm usually used to having like a full schedule. So I'm thinking about applying to a few internships and see what happens if I get one awesome. If I don't, I still have more things to do on my plate, like Joiful Bee.

Joiful Bee

So Joiful Bee is the haircare brand that I launched in February. This summer, I am doing a second launch for all the kits that will be restocked. So if you missed your chance to purchase a perfect washed kit, you would have another chance. And of course, I'm going to announce that on the YouTube channel. Or if you're on my email list, you'll be the first to know when it gets closer to July and August. I have to secure my apartment in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Bay

San Francisco has some of the most expensive rents in the world, which is crazy. So I had to figure out what my budget is and find apartments that fit that. And another thing about my full-time job is that I'm not going to know my exact office location until a month or two before I start. So right now, I know I'm going to be in the Bay Area. But Google has like 11 offices in the Bay Area or something crazy. I don't know if it's 11. But they have multiple offices in the Bay Area. And that could determine where I want to live. I want to have a short commute because I don't like traffic and stuff like that. But Google does have shuttles around the Bay Area. So I wish I just knew where exactly I was working. So I could plan and look for apartments online in those areas. As of now, most apartments are doing virtual tours. But I'm hoping that by the end of the summer that I can tour apartments in person because I feel like that's better.

Moving Out

Also, I still have an apartment in Los Angeles, where I was living for school, and I need to go to that apartment and move all my stuff out when my lease ends. So I have to go back to LA before I go to San Francisco to move out of my apartment. So after I move out of my office apartment and then move to San Francisco, hopefully, I can tour the apartment before I move in. I'll start work in September. So that's as far as I can plan right now, as far as what I'm doing after graduation as far as more long-term goals, so a few of you guys ask questions about these things.

Long-Term Goals

Long term, my goal is to work on the East Coast, specifically in New York. So that's one of my long-term goals to plan it in a couple of years in the San Francisco Bay Area, but eventually, get back to the east coast. One because I want to be in one of my favorite cities, two rent is way too high in San Francisco, and I don't want to waste money to be to like be in a studio apartment. Like, it's ridiculous! There are studios for like, three to $4,000, two bedrooms, probably four to $5,000. And up that's just on like, the affordable. And so it's crazy out there. And I don't want to be out there long.

My Relationship

Also, I am still in my relationship. So and my boyfriend will be together for three years in July. So we have to figure out like, do we want to be in the same city? When is that going to happen? Like, what does that look like? And how can we roll that out? So a lot of things still need to be hashed out. I think the main thing is that, like, post-graduation is a time of uncertainty. And at least I have a full-time job secured. Because for all my graduates, I feel for you like this is probably the worst time to graduate. Just because you know everything so uncertain, the economy, all that stuff, so that's just as long as I have that, um, I think that's an excellent foundation for coming out of graduating everything else, you know, will work itself out as we get there. I'm going to enjoy my time at home for sure.

My Youtube Channel

Stay healthy, stay active work on my YouTube channel a lot. And stuff like that before I have a full-time commitment. I'm glad that I didn't have to start working right after graduation, which was awesome. And yeah, as far as YouTube, after graduation, I will continue. But I'm in I've been in a rut with YouTube for the past, like, I don't know, two years, where I don't know, views are down, engagement is down. I don't feel like my channel is getting any visibility. And I'm not sure if I just haven't pushed myself hard enough to make better content. Or if I don't understand the YouTube Space anymore. Like everything has changed. I feel like I'm putting out a lot of content and a lot of content that's valuable. But it's not getting the visibility it deserves.

Video Requests

I feel like I see you guys for video requests. And they're all videos that I made, like in the past two weeks, and I'm like, Well, I'm making videos, but YouTube isn't pushing it to you guys. And I know that you guys want to see the videos because you're requesting them, and I've already made them. So I'm thinking of just figuring out a new strategy, whether putting Instagram first and just uploading all my videos to Instagram, or Facebook, uploading all the Facebook. Still, most of my YouTube in my Facebook audiences are different. So it's just a lot to figure out on that. And, and as you guys know, I've made videos ranting about this, but it seems like I've tried new things, and nothing is changing, and maybe I need a new hobby.

Or maybe I need to make content differently. So during this at-home stuff, I'm just going to be pushing myself to make content differently. And see how that works out, try new things, experiment, all that stuff. But it's going to be hard to push me because you know, I've been on YouTube since 2011. And I've done different things, but I feel like now my main interest is YouTube. So I don't know, I just tried to take I don't even know what I'm saying. But that's my post-grad plans. As far as the YouTube thing, I'll figure it out as it comes.

But I hope you guys are enjoying the videos that I've been putting up the past couple of weeks and go and watch my college reflection my four-year college reflection. If you missed that, where I talk about my freshman, sophomore, junior and senior year, the ups, the downs, the good, the ugly, the crazy, the partying, all of that stuff I talked about in that video. So I hope this was what you guys wanted when you requested post-grad plans, and I'll talk to you guys next time.

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